Chelly Keller


Registered Clinical Counsellor

Fort Langley

As human beings a necessary process for all of us is to learn what our emotions are and what they need.  So often our old patterns, attachment systems, past traumas, anxiety and even the cultural expectation to "be positive" take over and cause us to suppress what needs to be expressed. Suppressed emotions can show up in all kinds of symptoms (rage, anxiety, depression, sickness, addictions, over scheduling, and more). It is always my desire to create the safety needed for these emotions to be felt, and for you to trust and know you can be ok in those feelings. When this happens, freedom comes- our nervous system can release the past traumas and the old emotions that have been locked inside. We can live in the present and live with less symptoms, as we truly believe we are ok and deeply loved as we are.

My Trained modalities include:
- Emotion Focused Family Therapy (EFFT)
- OEI (level 1 and 2)
- Satir

I offer individual sessions to adults and teens, but another niche I offer is parent support through family sessions. Being a parent myself to three children, I have grown such compassion for parents in my practice.  It is an incredibly hard job raising little and big kids, but it doesn’t have to be a lonely one. My approach with parent sessions includes education on attachment and emotion coaching and building awareness around the fears and blocks coming up for you as you relate to your child/ children. It is not surprising that many of us (myself included) have our own suppressed emotions being triggered as we parent, so sometimes we need to do the personal work to soothe our own nervous systems before we can step in and effectively soothe and emotionally attune to our child’s system. When we can do this, imperfectly, we foster a more secure attachment to our child and grow in our own confidence as a parent.

If what is written here resonates with you- I would love to connect and begin a journey of walking together through counselling.