What is Grief Counselling?
Grief counselling is a form of psychotherapy that aims to help people cope with the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and cognitive responses to loss.
These feelings and experiences are typically brought on by a loved one’s death, but could also be brought on by any other significant, life-altering loss such as divorce, home foreclosure, or job loss.
Our Langley grief counsellors believe that everyone experiences and expresses grief in personally unique ways that are shaped by family background, life experiences, personal values, and intrinsic beliefs. They understand that while some people may withdraw from their friends and family and feel helpless, others might be angry and take action; some people may laugh, while others experience strong regrets or guilt. Grief counsellors know that one can expect a wide range of emotion and behaviour associated with grief.
Frequently Asked Questions
Grief counselling it typically short term and focuses on working through the grieving process related to a major loss.
Our Grief counselling in Langley, BC and Vancouver, BC typically has four components:
Learning about grief counselling and what to expect when grieving. During grief counselling in Langley, you will be taught the normal grieving process, including the thoughts and feelings they can expect to feel during the process. You will also learn how to tell the difference between normal grieving and other conditions – like depression – that can develop from grieving.
Expressing feelings. During grief counselling in Langley, you will be encouraged to express all your feelings. Sometimes people who are having trouble expressing their feelings are encouraged to talk about their loss or to use other means of expressing themselves such as speaking with the lost person as though he or she is there. Other techniques your grief counsellor might use include writing letters about your loss, looking at photos and remembering your lost loved one, or visiting the grave of a loved one who has died.
Building new relationships. This component of grief counselling in Langley helps you to develop a new relationship with the person or object you lost. Memories are usually long-lasting and can sometimes be troubling, so emphasis is placed on learning how to incorporate memories of the past into the present.
Developing a new identity. Your grief counsellor will help you develop a new sense of self following a loss.
Events that cause grief are generally serious and life-altering, with events like these, you may need help working through the feelings you are experiencing, and grief counselling with us in Langley, BC can be a great space for that.
Grief counsellors also believe that someone who is grieving greatly benefits from the support of others, and where such support is lacking, Langley grief counselling can provide an avenue for healthy resolution. Grief counsellors also believe that where the process of grieving is interrupted, for example, by the one who is grieving having to simultaneously deal with practical issues of survival or by their having to be the strong one who is striving to hold their family together, grief can remain unresolved and later resurface as an issue during grief counselling at our Langley office.
As time passes following a significant loss, such as the death of a loved one, it’s normal for feelings of sadness, numbness, or anger to gradually ease. These and other difficult emotions become less intense as you begin to accept the loss and start to move forward with your life. However, if you aren’t feeling better over time, or your grief is getting worse, it may be a sign that your grief has developed into a more serious problem, such as complicated grief or major depression.
After losing a loved one, it can feel like you’ve also lost a part of yourself, especially if you were very close. Grief can quickly lead to feelings of depression if left unchecked for too long. Our counsellors will help you develop a new sense of self after experiencing the loss of a loved one. While they may be gone, we will do everything we can to help you stay grounded.
If you’re experiencing symptoms of complicated grief or clinical depression, talk to a mental health professional right away. Left untreated, complicated grief and depression can lead to significant emotional damage, life-threatening health problems, and even suicide. But treatment can help you get better.
Contact a grief counsellor or professional therapist if you:
Feel like life isn’t worth living
Wish you had died with your loved one
Blame yourself for the loss or for failing to prevent it
Feel numb and disconnected from others for more than a few weeks
Are having difficulty trusting others since your loss
Are unable to perform your normal daily activities
If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms, you are not alone. We are here to guide you through grief and offer you the best Langley grief counselling we can.